The AAF 2018 Summer University

The AAF 2018 Summer University

The Consulate General of Algeria in New York is pleased to announce the opening in algiers, on July 8th, of the Algerian American Foundation 2018 Summer University. The courses will take place in the USTHB-Algiers on July 8-15 and in Batna 2 University -Batna on July 15-22.

This is the first time that AAF engages in such beneficial initiative that aims mainly to share the experience and scientific knowledge gained abroad with the Algerian Scientific community in Algeria and to develop and exchange network between them.

We are honored to be part of this educational and scientific program and truly hope it will be crowned with success. Good luck to all participants and let this event be the key to many others in the future with wider contribution of our Algerian competencies abroad.

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