Independence Day Celebration
Independence Day Celebration July 05th 1962
The Consulate General of Algeria in New York is pleased to inform the Algerian community of the screening of documentary films about the heroic martyrs of the revolution at the Consulate General headquarters on Saturday July 1st and Wednesday 06th, 2017 to celebrate Algeria’s Independence Day, observed every year on July 05th. The videos loop continuously during public opening hours from 09:00 am to 03: pm.
As part of the commemorative festivities, the Consulate General will participate also in the annual Arab-American and North African Cultural Street Festival in New York City, which will be organized on July 08th 2017.
Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively 4th&5th July, 2017, have been declared a holiday to celebrate Independence day of both Countries USA and Algeria. Consequently, the offices of the Consulate General of Algeria in New York will be closed on these two days.