Celebrating Yennayer 2969 at the Consulate General of Algeria in New York

In accordance  with  the  decision of H.E Mr the  President  of the Republic, Abdelaziz  Bouteflika, to recognize the Amazigh New Year “Yennayer” as a National and official holiday (Act N°18-12 of July 2, 2018, amending and supplementing Act N°63-278 of July 26,1963 establishing the list of public holidays), the Consulate General of Algeria in New York has the great pleasure to announce that it will be commemorating “Yennayer 2969”.

Join us with your families in celebrating this special event, which will be featuring a set of activities including:

  • An exhibition on the history of the Amazigh heritage;
  • A variety of Amazigh musical genres;
  • A henna ceremony;
  • A traditional “Trez tray” (Dried fruits, nut assortment and sweets)
To register, click on RSVP EVENT

When  : January 11, 2019 at 5pm

Where : Consulate General of Algeria, 15 East 47 Street New York, NY 10017

Registration is free, Space is limited

Contact us:

  • by phone (212) 308 -2505
  • or by e-mail 
Dress code : traditional or formal attire requested.

 You are cordially welcome!

 Asseggas ameggaz

 سنة أمازيغية سعيدة